Really have enjoyed this paddle so far.
This is a great all court paddle. I did require a bit of lead to give it the extra power needed for singles. It’s a great shape and if you like a fiberglass feel in the face you will like this paddle. It is not a plush paddle
For some reason the sweet spot seems smaller than my other 11six24 paddles. I love the feel of the ball on the paddle, it seems to cup it nicely allowing for lots of spin. The power is there and it’s controllable but still nice and soft for my dinks and resets. I requested a light paddle so that I could add tape and while the sweet spot is bigger the miss hits at the corners results I a jarring vibration. Hopefully as I play it in and tweak my weighting this will resolve itself as I really love everything else about the paddle.
All I have to compare this with is a vatic prism flash 14 mm, the drives are harder the resets and dinks are more controlled, I bought this for my wife and it suites her game nicely, it is more head heavy than the vatic and I could feel it with my flicks so for me I’ll probably stick to more head light paddles, the benefit however was less twisting and bad blocks on hard drives.
My Hurache-x Control + paddle's core crushed after 10 months of use. I stick with 11six24 because I'm truly satisfied my Control +. Got the Vapor All Court this time, paddle feels lighter than the Control + even though specs said they are about the same weight. Played stock with no adjustment, great sweet spot enough power and pop for me, great spin. Truly an all court paddle whether I'm driving, reset, or hand battle at the net. Great paddle, hope it lasts longer :)